Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

The Star-Spangled Banner, by Gladys and Troy

O say-- can you sing?
by the day's early light,
What so proudly we sailed,
at the twin lake's last op'ning.
Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
shine through the previous fights.
O'er the lamb parts we watched,
were so gallantly streaming!
And the rockets' red glare,
the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say-- does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave and the retired?

Happy Memorial Day!

I was woke up by Gladdie this morning, running into the bedroom to tell me she found a baby owl in the yard.  Turned out to be a baby robin learning how to fly.

The kiddo's sang there own version of our national anthem.  Gladys put the retired in there.  I don't know why, but my guess would be because she remembers visiting the nursing home and in her eyes the folks there are not free (as in to leave).

Well, their song cracked me up, and I hope you got a kick out of it too.   What's so funny to me is how they think they are singing it correctly, (except for the retired part). 

Late on the morning of Memorial Day, my family and I took the old speedboat out for the first time this year, (to a place where we could run the motor).  Justin came with us as our guest.

Thankfully, it started right up and ran well all day long!

We boated around on Prairie Creek.

Took a rest in a cove for swim time.

Had lunch under a shade tree on the beach.

Troy forgot his swimming trunks but thanks to his Dad's shoelace, he was able to keep his pants on during water time.

 I reflected on the good memories I have with those who died. 

Remember, if you are sad on this day of mourning for those who have died:  life comes to an end, but with that also comes a new beginning, one of being reunited with God. 

 The day was beautiful!  Literally, I was surrounded by rainbows almost all day long!!!

 I hope to have a new beginning here myself when my foot heals up.

I'm looking forward to doing some water skiing this year.

Here's a funny story, one I'm not technically allowed to tell.  SHhhhhhhh!

Jean and Justin are on the tube together, and Justin falls off.  Wait-- that's not the funny part.

Justin falls off the tube as a certain articular of his clothing also falls off!!!  I took an oath that I wouldn't write about it directly.  Let's just say, he coulda used a shoestring too.   :)


I hope ya'all have plenty of fond memories to recall!

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