Friday, May 9, 2014

IYAKing Geist

Wow, it's like 80 degrees here in Pendleton now!  We are having a little bit of summer.  Sophie and I went to the quarry.  

The fish were biting good there.  I caught several nice bluegills from the pier and put em back.  

Sophie was eager to go for a kayak ride.  She cracks me up; the way she stands on the dash and points, like she is my fishing guide.  Seriously, she lifts her little paw and stares in the direction she wishes to go, it's the funniest thing. 

Later that evening, I met up with my IYAK friends at Geist park on Falls creek. 

I paddled from the park to Geist reservoir and back.  Next time I do that trip that long, I am going to have to wear gloves as I got a blisters on my hands.  It was a very nice time though. 

As I paddled under the bridge on Olio road, several swallows flew out and made a fuss.  These are there nests on the underside of the bridge:

The waters were fairly calm until we reached the reservoir, then it started getting choppy.  The boat launch at Geist was busy, but there really wasn't that many boats on the water.  I think the choppiness was due largely from the wind.

When boats did pass by and create wake waves, I tried my best to get right in em.  It's just fun!

On the way back, I seen these guys spear fishing carp.  They held em up for me so I could get a pic.  I wanted to stay and play spear fishing-- maybe next time.

I was just cruising along, in a zen-like state, all peaceful while watching this swan.  All of the sudden, right in front of my kayak was a big startling SPLASH!  A large carp had jumped right in front of my boat;scared the daylights right out of me!

Here we are getting back from the trip (thanks for the pic, Paula).  Another great time paddling with the IYAK group.  :)

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