Saturday, May 17, 2014

Cooking Again-- Yummy Golash

Let me tell ya, those couple days of muskie fishing were so much fun!  I don't believe I've had that much excitement around here since Glenn jumped out of an airplane and I thought I'd be a widow.  Well, maybe the ice fishing explosion, that one was up there at the top, but for all the wrong reasons.  :)

Anywho, I'm'a cooking again!  Who woulda thought my family would ever get tired of living off dry cereal and hot dogs?

My first dish, in what seems like forever, I choose specifically to please Glenn.  He goes nuts for Hamburger Helper.  This Yummy Golash is pretty close to lasagna Hamburger Helper, but without all the bad preservatives and high sodium.

It starts out with lean ground beef, minced onions and garlic. Then gets simmered in a savory tomato sauce, as the noodles cook.  I try to somewhat watch my sodium intake these days.

The soy sauce, as it blends with the other seasonings, really gives it that extra complex flavoring.

I liked the flavor from following the recipe.  However, I've been in a spicy hot mood lately and kicked it up a notch with a dash of Tabasco for my portion.  Yummm. 

After the Tabasco, I needed a little cool.  The sour cream garnish worked out perfectly.

 The consistency of this dish was perfect as well, thick and not too saucy.  Everyone ate it right up!

For dessert,  I had a cute little vanilla bean mini cupcake with fresh raspberries.  The cuppy cakes were grocery store specials.

Have a Berry Good Day!  :-)

Yummy Golash

Adapted from Paula Deen

2 pounds lean ground beef
2 large onions, minced
2 cups water
1 (29-ounce) can tomato sauce
2 (15-ounce) cans diced tomatoes
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons Italian seasoning
3 bay leaves
3 tablespoons soy sauce 
1 tablespoon seasoned salt
2 cups dried elbow macaroni


In a Dutch oven, saute the ground beef over medium-high heat, until no pink remains. Break up meat while sauteing; spoon off any grease. Add the onions to the pot and saute until they are tender about 5 minutes. Add 2 cups water, along with the tomato sauce, tomatoes, garlic, Italian seasoning, bay leaves, soy sauce, and seasoned salt. Stir well. Place a lid on the pot and allow this to cook for 20 to 25 minutes.

Add the elbow macaroni, stir well, return the lid to the pot, and simmer for about 20 minutes. Turn off the heat, remove the bay leaves and allow the mixture to sit about 30 minutes more before serving.

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