Friday, May 23, 2014

Almost Keeling a Kayak on Fall's Creek

Whenever I am recovering, my patience really get a workout.  Lately, per doctor's orders, I have been resting my left foot.  Having had numerous problems with my right foot in the past from running,  I've been stretching it to help keep it healthy.  Right now is a critical time for that, since I've literally been hoping around on solely my right foot. (No pun intended!)  :)  This torture device is used to help keep the Achilles and plantar fascia limber:

In other health news, Gladys came home from field day at school, with one heck of an outbreak on her face.  My guess is it's a rash from Poison Ivy.  It seems every year about this time someone here breaks out with it.

Despite all of our aliments, Gladys and I went kayaking with the IYAK group yesterday.

Gladys is quickly becoming a  very skilled kayaker.

The afternoon was so beautiful on the creek!  Just look at that wondrous sky!

Kayaking is very good upper body exercise.

Lucky for me, the IYAKers were so helpful in getting me and my kayak on and off the water. 

Well, technically the only kayak that is mine is the blue one that Gladys used.  I had plans to buy another kayak that evening, but encounter some unexpected problems.

All of the sudden, while approaching the halfway point of our trip,  I noticed the red kayak was filling with water.  Apparently, it had a small crack, yikes!

I did kept my eye on it, but I was determined to go under the bridge before turning back.

I did just that, then paddled with the current back to the launch.

Unfortunately, I had a little too much faith in my ziplock bag containing my camera and phone.  They got wet and I thought they were both goners.

My phone began going nuts, vibrating, and turning on and off on it's own.  Even the fish were freaked out by it; they kept jumping right beside my yak!!!

Perhaps they thought someone was trying to give em a ring.  I dunno, but I will say next time I am out fishing from my yak, and can't find them I am going to have my friends call me and let it ring to test the theory.  :)

Somehow, I managed to luck out, after my phone and camera spent the next day sunbathing on the dash of my truck they worked!!!

Also, I made it safely back to the launch with a lil help from my friends.  Thanks to Eric, for tossing me his cotton t-shirt.  I was able to soak some of the water up and wring it out over the side.  Now that's a man who will literally give the shirt off his back.  He saved the day!

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