Monday, August 11, 2014

Bear Cave

Hi Everyone! I hope Ya'All had a good weekend.

The family and I went to Bear Cave Campground in Michigan for some R & R.

Even though technically it's located in Michigan, it's really just across the border in Bucanon; a short, 45 minute drive.

As we drove though the town, we noticed it was the Town-wide Garage Sale Weekend!  Really, I have way too much stuff as it is.  Especially now that we have moved into a much smaller house. 

We stopped in the center of Bucanon, at the Old Pear Mill, to browse the farmer's market.

The mill is awesome.  It's neat how such a small amount of flowing water can be so efficient.

I find those old buildings charming.

Lately, at home, everyday has been a mix of unpacking and going though boxes.  It was nice to get away and have a break.

I'm going to have to have a big yard sale in the near future.  I've always been a sucker for antiques and over the years have collected a fair share.  The trouble is, it's hard to find space to appreciate and display them in a small house. 

Places like the Pear Mill and other working museums fascinate me.  I would hate to see such artifacts go by the wayside.

I'm a sentimental gal and that, in part, helps to contribute to the issue of having lots of stuff.

So now, I am frequently asking myself the question of what things mean to me.  Family heirlooms, I tend to cherish the most.  

I felt like I took a giant leap back in time, in the basement of the barn.  I like how family heirlooms can help do that same thing.

A few feet from the mill was the farmer's market. 

They had pawpaws!  Since, I've never tasted of one before, I  bought one to try.  I'll have to let you know how that went later, as it's still on the kitchen counter ripening.

Back at the Campground, we played cards.

Hiking along the St. Joe was also a big part of my day.

I've been going to this campground for several years now.

The cave, which has bats living in it, not bears, is located behind the waterfall.  If you look real close you can see a door behind me that serves as the emergency exit from the cave:

My fil cooked up lunch for us all back at camp.  The hamburgers were HUGE. 

Picnic lunches outside are some good times.

After lunch, Troy fished the river.

He was hoping for a steelhead or a big catfish, at first.  Then he switched over to gills.  He got a few bites, but nothing to reel in.

Swimming was on the agenda next.

The heated pool water was extremely warm, like hot bath water.

Grace and Joe came for a visit too.

We all had a good time. :)

The mission of R & R was accomplished too.

Three days before school begins-- I can hardly wait!!!  Every time I find myself in the school supply isle at the store, I inhale a little deeper than usual.  Is it weird that as I was relaxing out in the wilderness, I had pictured myself being in the isle with the markers and glue?  I wonder how many parents are camped out this very moment in the school supply isle of Wal-mart just dreaming of pretty yellow buses taking their children for a few hours.  Aaahh, school!   :)

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