Thursday, August 14, 2014

Stone Lake

School Starts in the Morning!!!  Yippeee!!!  I'm just a tad bit excited to send the kids to school and reclaim my freedom.  Can Ya tell?

It's not that my kids are really all that bad to hang out with.  We usually have plenty of good times together, like the other day on Stone Lake in Laporte.

Troy got real low on the boat deck, (under Jean's hand), as he wasn't taking any chances with the low tunnel overhead.  :)

 We had some fun on (and off) the pontoon and Mom joined us.

Getting things in order back at the house seems to be a never ending job.

It is coming along though.  Hopefully, by next month I'll have everything in order and out of storage.

I was also told, the "temporary house," is now going to be our permanent home.  It does have a pretty view from the back yard.  Plus, a small house is less to keep clean.  :)  

What's really nice is that I'm only 15 minutes from so many of my favorite fishing holes!  Btw, I am having major fishing withdrawals. 

I plan to remedy that in the morning after the kiddo's head off to school.  :)

It's hard to say, but I think I may be a tiny bit excited about tomorrow and fishing.   :)    :)    :)

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