Monday, August 18, 2014

Celebrations-- Continued

Ahh, Fishing!

I arrived at the lake about 9AM, because I had to make a quick stop at the school for the kids.

The first little gill totally made my day.  I was like-- "Wooohoooo, YES, it's a FISH!".

The little sunbathing turtle rolled his eyes at me and thought I was nuts.

All the fish I caught were fairly small.

No matter, I was in THE ZONE!  Catching fish, relaxing, and most importantly celebrating the first day of school.  :)

As I fished, a giant carp, I mean a GIANT carp, came swimming by.  Big fish, even carp, make my heart race when I see them up close.

After a few hours of picking on the fish, (all were released to swim on), I went back to enjoy my quiet house.  

Oh, and I took a minute to think the thought of a new blog name-- The Adventures of Valparaiso Gal.


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