Friday, August 8, 2014


Howdy Folks!

The other night when I picked up the kids from VBS the group was sending up a red lantern. 

They did a bunch of cool things this week.  As the lantern went up over the trees, the thought of it landing in a flammable place (loft of an old barn) did cross my mind.  I can't help it, it's the pyromaniac in me.

As far as I am aware, all went well, and my kids didn't burn down anything this year.  Several years ago, back in the 90's, when Grace and Hub were little, we lived in Wanatah.  They caught the Salem Church on fire at a Christmas dinner.  Candles, paper tablecloths, and fighting kids are not a safe mix.  Lesson learned!

After the lantern was but a speck in the night sky, we went home.  I have to say, this VBS was one of the best I have ever seen.  I feel so grateful for the volunteers that make it all happen.  Kudos Folks-- Ya'all Rock!

Tonight, Friday, was the last night of VBS and Gladys felt like dressing up for the ending celebration:

As usual, they had a lovely spread for supper including adorable minion cupcakes!

After supper, was the singing and dancing celebration. 

Troy is a good dancer and he was really putting the moves on-- until he noticed me attempting to get him on video.  As soon as he seen me trying to record him, that little stinker quit dancing!

I guess I'm going to have to go all candid camera on him from now on.  :)

Oh well, as long as he's shinning his little light, I'll be happy.  Kids are so cute when they sing:  This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine...  :)

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