Sunday, August 24, 2014

Reunion & ALS Ice Challenge

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday was a family reunion day with a potluck lunch at my Uncle Bobby's place.  I made baked beans in the crock pot and threw together a grape salad to share:

It's one of those recipes that is so easy you don't really need a recipe for it.  All it consists of is grapes, (I used green and black), whipped honey-nut cream cheese spread, powdered sugar, and a bit of milk.  Also, I topped it with a few strawberries, just to dress it up a bit.  Simply mix the cream cheese spread, dab of milk, and powdered sugar (to your taste), then fold in the grapes. That's all there is to it!  :)

Uncle Bobby is my favorite uncle on my mother's side of the family. 

Him and his lovely wife Laurie host the reunion every year and I look forward to it.

I like how they have cats, as their kids (why didn't I think of that?).  JK  :) 

Amazingly, with three kids, I mean cats, their house is always nice n tidy.  At least it was until we got there...  We took a break from the muggy and humid weather with a game of Headbands inside, in the ac.  No idea why Roni and Jean are honking noses.  They randomly do crazy stuff like that and it's starting to no longer even phase me.  :)

Getting back to the cats...

This one tried to eat my camera, as I had it on the floor next to me:

And poor Butterscotch may still be quivering in the living room corner from Jean tormenting him with her toes. 

While we were all innocently inside tormenting the cats, Bobby's son, Mathew, challenged all of us to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

In case Ya'all didn't know, ice water is soooo freezing cold!!!

My Uncle Bobby is a real trooper though, and he helped awareness for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease," grow.

Bobby, in turn, challenged the entire Porter County SELF school.  :)

Jean challenged the Cooperider boys and the youth group from the Pendleton church.

Roni challenged the twins, I had encouraged her to throw Jolene and John in that challenge too, (it's the Aunt in me).  Technically, I think it is only the twins that are facing a wet bucket of ice thanks to their Mom.

I challenged Grace and Joe.  Gladys challenged AJ and Jacob.  I will also mention, for the record, that Glenn and Troy took the challenge too.  Glenn challenged Hub, and Troy challenged Sammy.

Brrrrrr----Refreshing!!!  :)  This gal never knows what will happen at a family reunion. 

The rest of the afternoon we played Bocce Ball.... and tried our best to not break the neighbors windows.  :)

Bocce ball was fun and I am new at playing it.  Basically, it's a ball toss game where the winner is the one who's ball is closest to the little white ball.

We played until storms came rolling in.

Cherish your family Folk's!  Even if they dump freezing cold ice water over your head, ya still gotta love em.  :)

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