Monday, August 25, 2014

Bi-lingual Frog

Hey You!  Yes, YOU.  Look up  ^   Pendleton Gal gets Fit is now changed to.... The Adventures of Valparaiso Gal.  So far, all that I plan to change is the blog title.  It just needed something a bit more suitable. 

One thing I really like about being back home is the proximity of Bass Pro Shop (BPS).  It's one of our (Sophie and I) favorite stores to browse.

I went in one a mission for black Sluggo's. I know what you're all thinking, "Why is a fly fishing gal needing black Sluggo's?"  The answer is this, my friends: I need to catch a large mouth bass! 

Sadly, Bass Pro no longer carries them.  I guess I'll just have to make do with what I got in my tackle box or take my chances with something from the zillion choices they do have to offer.

You see, my trouble is this: 

Nope, look beyond the spider webs.  One of my favorite fishing spots has so much vegetation that it is hard to reach the fish.  Now I am not one to back away from a good challenge.  I do need a fair shot though, and top water flies, in this weed mess, isn't the answer.

Sure, nymphing gills is fun, but I need to satisfy my bass craving. 

Jean and I thought we would do something unusual (for us) and try using bait.  We planned on catching a small goldfish for  a companion to Troy's aquatic frog.  He used to have two aquatic frogs, but one of them recently passed away.

The bait parfait was very appealing to a bullfrog, who suddenly lunged at the bee moth on my hook.  Jean took pics with her phone, but I was unable to upload them.  Anyway, the frog looked just like this pic I borrowed from the Internet:

So, since I accidentally hooked the poor frog, I had to free him.  I'm not scared of touching frogs, it  just takes me a minute, or ten, to warm up to them a bit.  Plus, this hooked frog was particularly slimy, as it was swimming in duckweed.  After warming up to him, I placed my hand gently around his mid section, and to my surprise, he MOOOOoooooooooooed!   Of course, that completely freaked Jean and I out.  What happened to the good ole ribbit?  Luckily, I managed to remove the hook from the bi-lingual frog.  Weird.


  1. Val, Throw some weedless bass bait right through that stuff. Texas rig plastic worms, Johnson spoons with a plastic tails. weedless frogs That water can be 10 degrees cooler under those weeds.

  2. Thanks for the advice. I'm planning on following it.
