Thursday, August 7, 2014

Countdown to School

So long, Pendleton!

I made a final trip to the Pendleton house, to pick up the last of our belongings the other day.

I'm going to miss it; specifically, friends and Fall's park.  :(

On a happier note,  Mom, Jean, Glenn and I went to Broadway Cafe to celebrate our homecoming.

Jean ordered the Saganaki (flaming cheese) appetizer.  It was delicious!

I have yet to come up with a new title for my blog.  Cutting up over supper, I suggested, Valparaiso Girl Gets Fat.  :)


I don't know yet.  I'm waiting for the kids to start school so I have a free minute to think about it.

Between, trips to Pendleton and back, packing and unpacking, I did manage to squeeze in a brief trip to Stone Lake.

The last time I was there, everything was frozen; Troy and I ice fished in the Perch Tourney.

Also, to keep what little is left of my sanity, (ha) I've been hiking everyday.

I want to get back into running, but I am afraid of injuring myself right now.  I know that's a lame excuse; it is how I feel though.  With the house being a maze of boxes that need unpacking, starting a new career path, and so many irons in fire, I can't risk getting hurt.  Ya know?

Maybe a personal trainer is a good idea right now, or at least a running coach.  Someone who knows how to push the limits and keep me from injury would be very helpful.

The kids joined a Vacation Bible School (VBS) this week, thanks to my friend Norma.

The Wanatah VBS includes supper every night at the church.  That really has came in handy, since I don't have a stove/oven at my current accommodations.

Did ya'all know it's been raining cats and dogs here?

Well, it has!  No sooner than the Yorkie found a home, a little Chihuahua came to stay with me.  Her name is Skittles.  She makes little Sophie seem like a giant! 

She was given to me by Norma, who asked for help in finding a good home for her.  A nice family adopted her.  Mission accomplished.  :)

I don't know what it is, but I am like a magnet for stray animals, homeless folks, and children.  How I seem to come across so many, and others don't, is beyond me. 

Trying to recall my youngest child's date of birth:

We signed the kiddo's up for school and filled out all 50 million pages of contact info, languages most frequently spoken (no, I did not put down swear words), medical conditions, and so on......Augh!  Gladys was bored, so she took pics.

School is starting in 8 days!!!  I'm shocked there's not an advent calendar for this glorious event!  :)

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