Sunday, August 3, 2014

Run-Away Yorkie

The other day as I was about to pull out on Highway 421, a little Yorkie dog ran in front of my vehicle.  Lucky for her, I was able to stop in time and didn't hit her.  

I stopped and invited her in for a ride since she had a good chance of being killed on the highway.  She growled at me and ran away.  So, I drove off.

On the way back home, I spotted her running a muck in the same location.  This time I allowed the kids to chase her and she ran straight to the neighbors front door.  The neighbors told the kids they had never seen her before.

The kids put a leash on her and brought her to the house.  She was one terrified little dog, but quickly warmed up to us and became friendly.

We walked her around the neighborhood and asked everyone we ran into if they knew whom she belonged to.

We took her to the dog park in Westville, hoping to find a flyer or run into someone that knew her.  We didn't have any luck.  The next day, I took her to the vet to see if she had a chip that could be scanned.  Still, no luck. 

Fortunately, a nice family adopted her and now at least she has a good home.  :)

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