Thursday, October 30, 2014

Purdue Halloween Party

BOO!  :)

This year, Troy carved his pumpkin ALL by Himself!  

 Our baby, SnowBall, has developed a fondness for hiding out in the tissue box.

Not sure how much longer she will be able to pull this off, as she is thriving!

 Gladys and her friend, Jacob, posed for a pic outside the Purdue Halloween party.  It cracked me up that they would not stand near each other.

My little NINJA boy, Troy, thought the ghost ship was cool.

For several years now Purdue North Central has thrown a Halloween party for the kiddies.

It was rather bare this year, compared to previous years.

Still, the kids had a good time playing games and I got to visit with several long lost colleagues.

The kids decorated little pumpkins too!

And made some spooky crafts.

I was trying to get a shot of Troy playing bozo buckets, but some cheerleader girl walked right in front of the camera.  :/ 

The nice thing about bare Halloween parties is that there are plenty of treats to go around.

Another recent event of the season was a Halloween dance.

I dressed up as a vampire, and as you can plainly see, was converting to a bat in these pics.  Yeah, seriously, I could not take a decent pic, but you get the idea.

Let this be a lesson: choosing the wrong color palette can make for a very dramatic look.  Spooooooky!  :)


I kinda like changing my hair color.  When I start getting grey hairs, I can see myself changing the colors often.  Or maybe turning it all white.  Recently, I went to visit my aunt Pauline and she has very pretty SnowBall white hair.
Speaking of Snowball, she's a laugh a minute.  She acts all fierce and runs around the house attacking things.  Did Ya'All know that white cats are feared in Sweden, like black cats are here?  
I used to have a white kitty costume from when I was maybe three or four years old.  Meow. 

Troy's poor pumpkin did not hold out very long even though I treated it with bleach.  The weather has been nice and mild here for the most part.  That is about to change though, as tomorrow, Halloween, their is snow and high winds in the forecast.  Yikes!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Weenie Roast

Here I am, surrounded by wild kids, and somehow I thought a fire would be a good idea.

I guess this is how I live on the edge.  :)

Incidentally, I found driving the wrong way in the Valparaiso, Town and Country parking lot on a Saturday morning to be an equal thrill. 

The kids tried real hard to not gorge any eyeballs out with the roasting sticks. 

They did well.

Being surrounded by kids with flaming sticks must be my way of preparing myself for something yet to come.  Like crossing over hot coals with bare feet to test ones inner strength.  :)

Truth be told, this sorta thing doesn't even really faze me. I just kept taking pics cause the kids were so happy and having a good time that I wanted them to remember it.

Good Times!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pumpkin Pickin


The new baby, Snowball, is thriving! 

She is soo stinkin cute!

The kids think dressing her is the funniest stuff ever.  The kitten doesn't know what to think, but, if she's gonna stay here, she best get used to it.

Ya'll know those adorable kitty calendar pictures?  Well, I'm not no where near that good, but was having fun trying.

Mom made the costumes for her baby cement goose. (Yes, playing dress-up runs in the family.) They fit Snowball perfectly right now though.  She is a mouse in this pic: 

SnowBall wasn't the only pet to have all the fun..

Dustball donned some accessories too.

"All this for a stupid Snity Snack-- Why can't I find a home without a crazy lady and kids?"

Dustball, having been put through 17 years of this, doesn't even try to escape anymore.  Where as, SnowBall kept trying to escape and eat her costumes.

It tuckered her out, but not the kids.

They were full of energy as usual, and we went back over to Coulter's Farm for some pumpkin pickin.

It was a gorgeous Fall day!

Troy and Gladys both picked out big pumpkins that they could barely lift.

I seen potential in this unique baby:

We all got pumpkins, except Glenn, and rode back to the check out.  

At least Glenn got to go for another ride.  Glenn is thankful that he gets to leave for a long business trip and recover from us. 

Yeah, I can see his need for recovery.  This is a rare photo of one of our children actually sitting:

Well, if you're around my kids you'd know what I mean.  Kids are great, but they sure are a handful.

I couldn't imagine my life without em.  Who would I get to build a kitten fort?

Gotta Love em!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hayride Torture

Don'tcha just love Fall? The hayrides, weenie roasts, s'mores, warming by the fire, and sipping apple cider make for a fun season.  If you ask me anyways.

 We gathered with friends and celebrated the season at Lakewood/Rodgers Park.

Troy mastered the art of weenie roasting.

He didn't do too bad on the s'more making either.

As did Gladys.

I don't what happened between s'more making and hay-riding, but somewhere along in there Troy got a serious case of the goofy giggles.

Not everyone found the evening fun and relaxing, as I did.  Glenn thought it was boring and waayyy to outdoorsy.  I shoulda left my husband heater at home. 

It's not like I have a mission to torture him.  It's just comes naturally, because we are extremely different people.  Aww heck, every girl needs a hobbie.  :)  JK

The kids had fun and can't wait to do it again.  They enjoy terrorizing their father.

They were into being silly and watching the sunset over the lake as we rode around.

Glenn managed to survive the evening.  Although he is now traumatized by these "hillbilly activities" I invited him to indulge in. (rolling my eyes)  That'll teach him to say yes, I reckon. :)