Tuesday, October 7, 2014


The new baby-- SnowBall!

The poor baby was freezing cold and covered in fleas when Troy's friends rescued her. 

She had a bath and got all squeaky clean and warm.  Then met Sophie, who was very excited to greet her.

I think she is around 10 days old, as she is so tiny and very wobbly on her feet.

I'm not sure, but I have a feeling momma cat was trying to move her kitties and got startled by the neighbors dog.  Thus, abandoning her baby in their yard.


We went out to search for momma cat and the others, but didn't have any luck in finding them.

17 year old DustBall doesn't seem to mind the new baby.  Introductions are best done on his own terms though.  He was a very good Mother to a stray kitten, about 7 years ago.

In other news, Gladys has been busy decorating. She bought a Halloween village kit with her own money, most of which, she earned from the lemonade stand.

She's a happy girl!

We walked around the Pumpkin Festival Sunday afternoon.

Troy won pops for us.

The kids and I, at the same time, said-- "There's SnowBall!"!  About the little kitten with her eye's closed in the middle of the pic.  Rest assured, the lady working the booth informed me these creations are all made of synthetic fur.

My part polar bear child, Gladys, was the only one riding rides... and wearing shorts, that nut.

She had a good time.

Meanwhile, Troy kept the beat and busted out dancing to the music.

Normally he draws a crowd, but the place was virtually empty, except for the workers.  No matter, Troy was getting down with the beat.

We patronized the church food booth and shared some dessert perogies.

Then went right home to the new baby, SnowBall.

On the rare occasion no one is holding her, she sleeps in a box with a heating pad set to low, and blankets.

Her appetite is good, but the only thing she can eat right now is milk.  I feed her kitten formula from a tiny syringe. 

When she sleeps, she actually sucks on her own toes; it's the cutest thing.  :)

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