Monday, October 6, 2014

Westville Pumpkin Festival 2014

Howdy Folks!

Things are looking up around here. It's been a busy and fun weekend.  The little town of Westville, Indiana held their annual Pumpkin Festival this past weekend.  The Pumpkin Festival Princess was announced Friday evening.

As we all gathered under the tent, the freezing cold wind whipped in through every little crevice.  The girls were all asked to remove their coats for pictures with the press.  They froze.

The winner was announced; the cute little girl in the white dress with the orange sash is the new Pumpkin Princess. 

The next morning, it SNOWED at the Pumpkin Festival Parade.  Lucky Troy got to ride inside in the front seat of a nice warm firetruck.

I had my truck close by, which was nice, since it turned out to be a 15 minute parade with a ten minute intermission in the middle.?.  

In this pic below, Gladdie got photo-bombed by the candy she threw:

All in all, the Westville Pumpkin Festival Parade is still a favorite.  Gotta love a good small town parade.  :) 

Sunday, I got a really SWEET and PRECIOUS SURPRISE!!! Troy's friends found a little baby kitten in their yard that they brought to me!

Troy named her Snow Ball.  Partially because she arrived the day after it had just snowed and her little round body looks like a snowball.  Also, because Dust Ball needs a name sake, so now she has his last name-- Ball.  Cute ahy?

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