Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Spot Stealing Snake

Jean and I went on an adventure to reel in some fish. It began by us rappelling down this cliff:

Rappelling is actually kinda fun.  It was a bit tricky though, since we brought with the essentials: 2 rods, a backpack, and a sour apple Slurpee.

When arriving safely at the bottom of the ravine, we had to build a bridge to cross through a clay/mud pit. 

We made it across the pit and had a snake welcome us on the other side!  YIKES!

We shared a halfway non-slippery spot with the snake and fished.  Mainly because it happened to be a prime location right under a dam, of course!  :)

Although I did consider sleeping down there, as opposed to climbing back up, I was awake when this pic was taken:

We had plenty of excitement, but didn't actually land any fish.  The snake didn't land any either while we were there.  :)

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