Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Get Off My Back

This time of year, some of the creeks around here are full of trout and salmon.

Troy's friend, Sammy, joined us on a little creek fishing.

The kids and I have had a bunch of close calls, but have yet to actually land one from the creek this season.

For the most part, the creek water is clear and the fish are easy to spot.  That alone, keeps us coming back for more.  Eh, maybe next time.  :)

The countryside has been spectacular lately!  This is a picture of thick fog beginning to cover the field at dusk:


I recently enjoyed almost an hour of pretty scenery on the way home from North Liberty.

In other news, the new baby is beginning to make herself at home.

DustBall is such a good mother, (even though he's a guy).

Most male cats are NOT good with newborn kittens.


DustBall is one very laid back kitty.

Not to mention, extremely tolerable of the kitten and the kids.

Besides, both kitties share a common pastime-- napping.

I went to this hidden gem the other day in hopes to be delighted by more salmon and trout:

Although it is a possibility for those types of fish to hide out in that pond, I didn't see anyone doing so yet.  Maybe during this week of rain in the forecast, they will arrive. 

Bring em on! 

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