Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hayride Torture

Don'tcha just love Fall? The hayrides, weenie roasts, s'mores, warming by the fire, and sipping apple cider make for a fun season.  If you ask me anyways.

 We gathered with friends and celebrated the season at Lakewood/Rodgers Park.

Troy mastered the art of weenie roasting.

He didn't do too bad on the s'more making either.

As did Gladys.

I don't what happened between s'more making and hay-riding, but somewhere along in there Troy got a serious case of the goofy giggles.

Not everyone found the evening fun and relaxing, as I did.  Glenn thought it was boring and waayyy to outdoorsy.  I shoulda left my husband heater at home. 

It's not like I have a mission to torture him.  It's just comes naturally, because we are extremely different people.  Aww heck, every girl needs a hobbie.  :)  JK

The kids had fun and can't wait to do it again.  They enjoy terrorizing their father.

They were into being silly and watching the sunset over the lake as we rode around.

Glenn managed to survive the evening.  Although he is now traumatized by these "hillbilly activities" I invited him to indulge in. (rolling my eyes)  That'll teach him to say yes, I reckon. :)

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