Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pumpkin Pickin


The new baby, Snowball, is thriving! 

She is soo stinkin cute!

The kids think dressing her is the funniest stuff ever.  The kitten doesn't know what to think, but, if she's gonna stay here, she best get used to it.

Ya'll know those adorable kitty calendar pictures?  Well, I'm not no where near that good, but was having fun trying.

Mom made the costumes for her baby cement goose. (Yes, playing dress-up runs in the family.) They fit Snowball perfectly right now though.  She is a mouse in this pic: 

SnowBall wasn't the only pet to have all the fun..

Dustball donned some accessories too.

"All this for a stupid Snity Snack-- Why can't I find a home without a crazy lady and kids?"

Dustball, having been put through 17 years of this, doesn't even try to escape anymore.  Where as, SnowBall kept trying to escape and eat her costumes.

It tuckered her out, but not the kids.

They were full of energy as usual, and we went back over to Coulter's Farm for some pumpkin pickin.

It was a gorgeous Fall day!

Troy and Gladys both picked out big pumpkins that they could barely lift.

I seen potential in this unique baby:

We all got pumpkins, except Glenn, and rode back to the check out.  

At least Glenn got to go for another ride.  Glenn is thankful that he gets to leave for a long business trip and recover from us. 

Yeah, I can see his need for recovery.  This is a rare photo of one of our children actually sitting:

Well, if you're around my kids you'd know what I mean.  Kids are great, but they sure are a handful.

I couldn't imagine my life without em.  Who would I get to build a kitten fort?

Gotta Love em!

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