Tuesday, June 30, 2015

27th Anniversary

Greetings!  I hope Y'all had a fabulous weekend.  To kick off this past weekend, Glenn and I celebrated our 27th year of marriage! Yup, for our wedding anniversary this year we went to Dutch Village, in Holland, Michigan. 

Dutch Village is a quaint and delightful amusement park. 

I say amusement park... and I did find it amusing... that word may not accurately describe this unique place nowadays.

There are No roller coasters, and we never had a long line to wait in.  Gasp!

It has a Bell Tower though!  Noo, it's not a ride.  :-)

I found the place charming!

I like historical places and enjoy learning history.

The surroundings were interesting.

Like I may have mentioned, I found the place charming.  Apparently, I am a sucker for cheesy amusement parks with old fisherman. :-)

I was here several years ago, when I was 8 yrs old.

I remembered visiting this place with my folk's.

A robin swooped down and almost attacked Glenn as we walked through the flower tunnel! 
The weather was gorgeous out that day!

Nice enough to set up the easel and do some painting! :-)

Halfway through the park, I began speaking with a distinctively Dutch accent. 

I don't know where it came from, but I liked it!

Also, I learned a Dutch dance.

It began with a warning by the caller, to keep alert for flying wooden shoes.  (Not Joking)

The dance was a cute reenacted story of a lover's quarrel.

The dancer's kicks were high and wooden shoes went flying!

Do you see the lady with only one shoe?  Her shoe went flying just inches above an elderly man's head.  Sheesh, I felt like they needed to put up a screen-- like in baseball behind home plate.

After the shoe dodgings, we headed for higher ground with a Ferris Wheel ride!

The Ferris Wheel was an authentic antique.

Glenn could tell it was very old and was scared!  Hehe.

I thought Glenn, being scared, was funny.  He leaned forward a bunch and I turned scared!  It's a miracle we survived that ride.

Ahh, the wishing well.

My wish came true!  I can't tell ya what I wished for, cause everybody knows that's against the rules, but it came true.

Out of all the displays, the horse treadmill, was the most inspiring.

I'm thinking-- if I scaled it down a bit and made one Sophie sized...

The petting zoo was awesome.  I miss my chickens.

And bunnies.

And sheep.

And piggies. Wait, I never had piggies!  They enjoyed a swig of Glenn's Sprite!  :-)

I did have goats; most were Angora goats. 

I miss all the farm animals, although, I do not miss the allergies.

Next, we rode the swings and we got sick!

Round and round was a bit too extreme for us!  (Yeah, it was pathetic that we couldn't handle that ride.)  How did we ever manage to ride 'n' wrangle live animals when we couldn't handle The Swings? 

We strolled about the shops.

We have a marriage candle similar to these, but without the photograph inside.

The shops were fun to browse.

I have a pair of wooden shoes, with my name engraved in them, from when I visited as a child.

If I were going to buy me a pair today, I would opt for the pink fuzzy slippers. They would make for  safer dancing shoes to dodge.

The Dutch culture fascinated us.

We were fixin to traditionally pose like this, but someone couldn't stop giggling long enough to get a pic taken.

I taught Glenn how to yodel as we browsed. 

Our yodeling must have been fairly decent because no threw anything at us or asked us to leave. :-)


The thought of eating a live fish totally grosses me out!

I've never even had sushi before, much less a live fish.  Blahhh.

Ducks and ducklings were a frequent, and pleasant, site at the park.

Somewhere, Mom has a pic of me, and probably my sister Dee sitting inside the storks bag when we were kiddies!

What was the name of that street again?  I think I mastered the art of pronouncing phlegmy sounding consonants. 

One of these days, I want to return to this place in the spring when the tulips are in bloom.

I mean, it is a very beautiful park this time of year too, but could you imagine what tulip time would be like!  EEEeeeeeee!

Somebody get that poor kid some bubblegum to plug the hole with; sheesh!


Mama duck cracks quacks me up with her nest being right in the center of the flowers!  :-)

Visit Dutch Village for a quacking good time!  Quack!