Friday, June 19, 2015

Carp and Other Scary Fish

The pier on Lake Michigan, in Michigan City, is about to get real busy with folk's fishing for a strain of trout known as Skamania Steelhead.  Skamania happen to be the largest type of the trout; often measuring a length of over three foot and weighing more than 30 pounds.  Ehh, maybe not 30 pounds, but they're big!  I had hopes of reeling in these acrobatic fish the other day, but they were not on the run yet.  Instead, all I got were gobies.


Although, I did have an exciting mystery fish break the line.  I wish I knew what it was.

I didn't see any skams, but I did spot a big carp.

I tried to entice it with shrimp.  I think that carp had something other than food on it's mind.

Later that day, I changed out of my swimsuit and into jeans, a hoodie, and a winter coat!  Yes seriously-- I watched hail/sleet fall from the sky.  That's Indiana for ya!

The hail storm didn't last long and the very next day the swimsuit weather was back.

Since I kept seeing big ole carps everywhere I went, I decided to actually target them for a change.
I whipped them up a special dough-ball recipe.  Bread never stunk soo bad!!!  Blahhh!!!

I tell ya what-- those carp sure did like it though!!!  Yeahh, I'm even touching a real live carp!!!

I have to say, holding that carp wasn't really as bad as I had expected it to be. The lips still freak me out a bit, and it was a very flippy fish.  The hand placement in the gills didn't feel as squishy and slimy as I had imagined it to be, (thank goodness).

It looks as though I need to graduate into holding a catfish.  One type of fish a day is plenty for me.

The catfish holding will have to wait.  I'm just not sure about those stingers and whiskers.
Eeeeek!  I'm not into holding the spider that I somehow managed to reel in either!

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