Friday, June 5, 2015

Girl's Weekend in Wisconsin

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, 99 Bottles of Beer....  :-)   Mom picked me up from my place.  As soon as I stepped out the door with my bags, it began pouring rain.  Little did I know, I only got to repack the trunk two more times, ughh.  We managed to squeeze in everything just as the rain quit.   


Mom, Jean, Gladys, and I made our way to Wisconsin to visit my sister, Kim.  I had fishing withdrawals on the way.  

Kim's pooch, Fred, told em we had arrived.

It was funny how many similarities we have in decorating.  For instance, I have one of Kim's flower paintings hanging in my kitchen, too. 

We gabbed-- Mom, and my girls told Kim all my secrets. 

Kevin, Kim's hubby, has a booming business he runs from the house.

Kevin is quite the handyman and built the screened in back porch.

Mom crocheted him a lion.  The lion was his good luck charm during a dice game.

They have an awesome home.  I was inspired by the way they had it decorated.

When my little ones move out, I am getting me a yoga/exercise room.

The thought of letting the kiddies share a room, back home, with bunk beds crossed my mind.

Each room has such charming little details of Kim's personality. 

Then-- I seen the Craft Room!!!

The heck with bunk beds--  the craft room inspired me to move the kids to a tent in the back yard!

Fishing is big in Wisconsin.  I would love to come back this winter and see what I can get through the ice.

The business they have is a Lawn Mower Repair Shop.

It's a cool setup, being right at the house and all.

The next day we went to the zoo.

Hearing the lion roar was something I'm not used to.  He looked so cute; like I could just go up and pet him.

It was much colder than we had expected.  Lucky for me, I still get hand me downs from my older Sister.  :-)

These guys reminded me of Sophie-- if she was a monkey:

I'm pretty sure the tiger was trying to cuddle.  :-)

The zoo was partially indoors, which gave us a nice break from the brisk air.

Although, some thought the brisk weather was just right for a swim.

Looks like this bear needs a bar of soap.

We all agreed the bison needed new hair-dos.

The zoo had several pretty flower gardens throughout it as well.

We took a snack break.

I had a pretzel, but I should have went with the mint ice cream instead.

Kim is an art gal. 

That evening we played with fingerpaints.

Kim showed us some cool cards she made.  The eggs have real pepper on em!  :-)

Now this is the work of someone who has a real eye for art:

Jean made a snake-- of all things! (She's terrified of em.)

Land, Sea, Air-- by Gladys


Kim made BBQ Chicken for Supper.

It was delicious.

Kim offered me a refreshing alcoholic beverage and I took a Fresca.  Jean asked if she could have a Fresca too.  She had never had one before and she thought she was drinking alcohol.  It was hilarious.

Apple pie was for dessert.

Kim and Keven and are excellent hosts.  We had French toast the next morning.

A partial shot of Kim's veggie garden in the backyard:

Fred and Tigger.

Tigger is real old like Dustball.

The type of Lilacs outside the kitchen window is Sweet Kim.  :-)

Us Girls.

We had a Great visit!  I even found one of those elusive morels in the yard! :-)

Thanks for putting up with us, Kim n Kevin.  :-)

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