Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Family Reunion

Whoa, this summer is flying by!  It's all ready family reunion time with Uncle Bobby and Aunt Laurie!

SnowBall seemed happy to see me again.

I had good time visiting with everyone.

All the bad people had to sit in the naughty tent!

Sheesh, I'm just kidding!  No one puts Baby in a naughty tent!

I think this was the first time Gladys really got to hang with her cousin Andrew.  They were kinda shy at first.

Uncle Bobby knows how to Break the ICE!!!  :-)  :-)  :-)

The cute little blondie is Andrew's sister, Emily.  We had matching hairstyles that day.  ;-)


Gladys really got it good!  Hehehe!!!

I look forward to this reunion.  Not just because I like how Bobby tortures the kids either, that's just a bonus. :-)

I like gabbing with family.  It's been forever since I seen my niece, Sherry and her new baby, James.

I don't see my family as often as I should. 

Sherry and I passed around our babies.  ;-)

Right before we left, I peeked in on SnowBall.  I miss my Snowy, but she's chillin in luxury, as Y'all can tell:

Thanks, Bobby & Laurie, for hosting another great family reunion and giving SnowBall a lovely home!


  1. It’s very nice. I am going to buy family tent next summer. I see tent that number four is very nice. Where can I buy it? Do you sell it?

  2. Thank you!
    I'll ask my Uncle Bobby where he got the tent from and let ya know.

    1. He thinks the tent was purchased from Wal-mart. :-)
