Friday, June 12, 2015

Take A Kid Fishing

Last Saturday, Friends of Fishing held the Take A Kid Fishing (TAKF) event at Rodgers Lakewood Park, in Valparaiso.

The event was a big hit with the community.  Ben, a DNR Fish Biologist, brought coolers of live fish to show everyone.

He got them from Trail Creek using the electric fish stunning tactic.  The pike wanted to be the center of attention, and when his turn was over, the pike jumped back out of the cooler!  :-O

Some of us FOF members got the chance to fish with clients from Opportunity Enterprise. 

Gladys and her friends, Ashly and Sierra, were into catching fish.

Gladdie and the girls were pros at fishing, so I let them be. I fished with Toni, (The lady in the pink holding her MONSTER bluegill).  She was sooo thrilled to catch that fish!  ;-)

For some kids, that day was their first time ever touching a fish!

My fishing monkeys took a paddle boat for a spin.  They had to put on life vests and thought that was crazy since they know how to swim.  :-/

Different events were held as the day progressed.  Tim  was standing out there with a flag to measure distance in the casting competition.

The casting competition was held in two heats-- one for the longest distance, and another heat for accuracy. 

Fly tying was also on the agenda that day.

These are some cool flies that Richard tied:

The blue one really stuck out!

We tied squiggly plastic worms on a hook. :-)

Some I tied with a little lead, and some I didn't.

Richie was thrilled with the bass he caught!!!

Near the end of the day, we had a picnic lunch. Mike grilled out hot dogs.

Throughout the day, kids brought their catches up to be measured.

A popular category was that of the smallest fish!

The kids really seemed to enjoy themselves.  :-)

The awards were given out at the very end.  More pics of this event and other FOF events can be viewed at

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