Monday, June 8, 2015

Kankakee-- Green and Pedestrian Fish

Starting out, the road didn't look so bad.  Just a mud puddle here and there.

Although, the farther down the road we went, the worse the puddles became.

Garrett's pretty, new, red truck, went muddin-- right through the puddles.

 I don't know what it is about the Kankakee, but it gives me a very nostalgic feeling when I am there.

It's one of the most beautiful places I have ever fished.

This particular day, the river was up high.

We fished it anyways, and tried several different spots.

The fish were not home.

Or not answering, to say the least.

Nonetheless, the river was captivating enough.  What I find charming, is how there is life in every nook and cranny.

Finding the right nooks and crannies that hold the fish, becomes much more challenging when the water is high n muddy.

Exploring areas and hunting the fish is exciting.

 Especially, when you finally find em.

It's like a thrilling game of Hide n Seek, and when ya find em, the chase begins!

 A Dogfish-- where's the Gloves!!!

I don't know which was more fascinating, the fact that Garrett touched an actual Dogfish with his bare hands (one of the most slimy and meanest fish ever), or the vivid green coloring that made this intimidating fish look kinda pretty.

 Check out the green fins on this one!

Did someone have a little too much lime green Kool-Aid?

I had never seen a Dogfish with green coloring like that.  Come to find out, it's a pre-spawning condition used to attract a mate; Mother-Nature's make-up!


Watching Garrett be all brave and handle that Dogfish, inspired me to catch a big ole carp.  And I did!  There was just one problem, it was all lips and flippy!  I wasn't ready to TOUCH it!  Yeeeeek! 

Mom, yes MOM, was holding my rod while I was setting up another and she got a hard hit that snapped the line like it was nothing!!!  As we were heading out, we came to this spot in the road:

I stopped the truck and got out to get a better look.  I am not kidding you-- as we are standing there, HUGE fish come swimming across the road!!!

I noticed several carp, some were as big as Troy!!!  Then, a HUGE pike snakes it's way by!!!!

Mom and Troy feared I would never leave that place!  I didn't want to.  I needed a net.  ;-)

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