Thursday, June 25, 2015

Kissy Fish

Hiya Folk's!  

Hey--I think I see a four leaf clover!  Look at the clover, beside the clover that's underneath the bluegill's chin.   Since, I spotted it now, at 10PM as I'm typing away in my PJ's, will the good luck still come to me?  Help-- I need a Irish person who knows folklore, asap!!!  Hmm, I wonder if there's a hotline for that. 

Anywho, Jean and I have discovered a really fun little puddle to fish that's not real far from the house!!! 

So far, the only thing big we have caught from this new place are trees.  However, we caught a whole slew of little fish. 

The gills and bass were biting like crazy!!!

At times, we wondered if it was the same bass as the one before.

Often, we would both get fish on at the same time.  Sometimes the hooks were not all that easy for us to reach.  Soooo, we would put the fish back into the water, while we worked on one of em.

The strangest thing kept happening-- the hooked fish drew a fish crowd!!!  Shhhhh, I know, this is a gem, right???  Were these fish some sort of hot actor fish, that all the other fishes were after?  It sure seemed like it to us. These Brad Pitts of the fish world gave out kisses.  Or maybe the other fish wanted their fly.  :-) 

Crazy Fish! 


  1. It only counts if you touch it.

  2. Dear Lucky Leprechaun,
    Is your comment referring to the fish or the four leaf clover? :-)

    1. Well Lassie, it depends on how Irish you are at the moment.

    2. I think I was about 11% Irish at the time. What do you make of it?
