Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Summer's Here!

Hi Everyone!  The gill I got looks a little transparent!
Todd and I had a unique experience out at the Mill Pond-- carp were jumping all over that place and biting like crazy!  I caught a few, but they were so flippy that they flipped right off the hook before I finished contemplating touching em.

 He caught a nice, dark, rock bass too.

Summer sure is in full swing now!  I've been seeing snakes and other critters out like crazy.

Most of the fishing places I frequent are beginning to have some thicker weed coverage-- which means more frequent line cleanings.  Oh, what a mess; that'll teach me to unspool an entire reel of line!  Actually, I messed up and put the line on backwards and had to redo it right.  Ughhh.


I wasn't the only one not paying attention to details.  As I was sweeping the porch, a toad came out to play.  I called Sophie over to see what she thought of it and it took her forever to notice it.  Hehe, they are friends, even though Toady seems to be impersonating a rock.

Sophie went to Coffee Creek with Jean and I.  We noticed a little snake and Sophie accidentally stepped on it.

The little ole snake stood up and gave her a hiss-- I'm SSsssssssunbathing here!!!

I gave Jean a fly with an actual hook on it this time! 

And she totally whipped some gills!

Meanwhile, my fly was being spied on by a incognito frog.

And it's buddy:

And there other buddy:

I did manage to avoid hooking my reptile audience and I landed a few nice bass:

Ahh, another happy fish that got to Ride the Hook! :-)

In other news, we went to visit SnowBall at her new home.

She's fitting in well at Uncle Bobby's.

Sophie missed her and they played together a little, like old times.

She seemed very happy.


Purrrrrty girl! :-)

Check out the moon that evening!  ^ 

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