Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Crazy Canine

I fished a clay pit in Lake Station for the first time.

A gaggle of geese welcomed me.

All of the sudden, as I was fishing, I noticed something BIG swimming in the water.

I thought to myself, "Is that a duck?", then my buddy said-- "Wow, there's a husky in the lake!".

Yes folk's, a real husky dog was swimming around harassing the waterfowl.  Crazy Canine!

In other news, a friend, Donald, gave an awesome presentation on Steelhead fishing at our last FOF meeting.

Donald is like a waterfall of knowledge when it comes to steeelhead fishing.

I took a few pages of notes and couldn't write fast enough.  The Michigan rigging was interesting to me.  I don't ever recall using a weighted line above the bobber.

He even gave us all a good look at his flys:

I am READY for Skamania fishing!!!  :-)

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