Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Kentucky Christmas

Did anyone miss me?  I went to Kentucky for a few days.  

Wow!   Can you believe those gas prices are down!!?

We stopped for a quick breakfast before getting on the Interstate.

The Kentucky trip is a Christmas gift to the kiddies from Glenn and I. Ice cream is good for breakfast, if it's a Christmas gift.

As we entered the Interstate, the kiddies noticed an Adult Superstore:
Gladys-- I want an adult!
Troy-- Me too!  Can we get adult superheros?
Glenn-- What kind of place do you think that is?
Troy-- The Adult Superhero Place!!!
Gladys-- They sell adults there.
Glenn-- Well, parts of them, anyway.

Soo, here we are driving along and the kids are getting restless.  I told the kiddies-- Shhhh, we're entering Kentucky.  Would you believe it worked?!!  They actually remained quiet as we drove the rest of the way.

The weird thing was, while driving along Highway 74, we entered Kentucky, then ENTERED INDIANA then OHIO, and ONCE AGAIN entered Kentucky.  Strange Huh?

Christmas music played on the radio, and we all became elves!

Gladdie named herself Bossy Elf. 

I kept sneezing, so the kids thought Snotty Elf was a hilarious name for me.  :/

Troy was Flappy Elf; he was super excited to be on a trip and couldn't contain himself.

Glenn was Gassy Elf.  Yeah, sigh, really gassy.  The kids thought that his elf name was even more hilarious!  :)

Our main destination was the Creation Museum.  As we entered the parking lot, the kids spotted what resembled a monkey playground:

Ya know what would be funny?  If there were monkeys that sat around watching and taking pics of the humans playing.  Hehehe.

That was not the case, as we were NOT at the Evolution Museum! 

The Creation Museum was awesome!  We all got a solid dose of how God created everything and it was elating!

The age of the Earth is only about 6000 years old, according to the museum.  I believe they are right.

Church services in the south seem to be more formal than what I am used to back home.  Most of the ladies were in very nice dresses and all the men wore ties.  It was kinda nice; I like dressing up for church though.

The scenes were pretty.  The camera really doesn't do the scenes justice.

I thought I had a pretty good grasp of the Bible, but I still learned several new things.  For instance, I didn't realize we all used to be vegetarians.

Or that poisonous snake venom was once harmless, (it was actually thought to be beneficial).

 Sin messed it all up.

The evil serpent is lurking in the tree:

Sin entered the world.  I kept hoping to see a heaven scene-- a world without sin.

Lucky for us all, they do have plans to build on.  Next, they are making a life size Noah's Ark!

What's even more amazing is the feeling that I have about the REAL afterlife.

When seeing the Biblical scenes, it does put things in a more vivid perspective in my own mind too.

The Ark, being approximately 12 school buses long, is going to be one heck of a display!

Jesus healed the blind.  Incidentally, I may have given a blind cave fish sight after snapping a pic using the flash. 

Little Fish, Can you see now?  I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't use a camera flash to give sight to anyone.  Considering I still don't see eyes on this fish, I think he may still be blind.

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