Monday, December 8, 2014

Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes

Advent is here! The season that helps us prepare for the coming of Christ is HERE!  I am a fan of Christmas.  Can Y'all tell?  I also like pumpkin pie, which is a typical holiday dessert around here, but only a bite or two.  Thus, I made Mini Pumpkin pies, er Cheesecakes.

 Gladys is a fan of making her own HUGE pancakes!

It's been how long since I posted a recipe on here?  Sigh.  Well, Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes was a hit over Thanksgiving! 

I don't know why, but I haven't been into cooking much lately.  Most of my free time is spent hanging out with the kids.  Troy has developed a nice throwing arm!

The tree went up on Thanksgiving Day!  SnowBall thinks a tree in the house is the greatest thing ever!

Lets get down to business, shall we?  These Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes are a cinch to make.

Put all the ingredients in a bowl, (except the whipped cream and vanilla wafers) and mix it up.  The vanilla wafers go in the paper cupcake liners to make as a mini crust.  Pour the mix over them and then bake. Top with the whipped cream.

Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes:


Fat Free Whipped Cream
Vanilla Wafers
16 oz. Cream Cheese, low fat
 3/4 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Cup Pumpkin
2 T. Reduced Fat Sour Cream
1/4 tsp. Salt
2 Eggs
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1 T. Cinnamon 

Line cupcake pan with liners and add a wafer to each one.  Mix remaining ingredients well, (except whipped cream).  Bake 20 Minutes at 350 degrees F.  Cool completely in pan. Garnish with whipped cream, if desired.


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