Friday, December 12, 2014


Hey!  I'm perfecting my knot tying skills.


These days, I've been doing several of activities with the Scouts.

Fireman Garrett modeled the actual fire rescue outfit and walked around talking like Darth Vader.

It's a good thing.  This way if the event of rescue did occur these kids would know what the outfit is all about and perhaps not be as scared.

I think being a volunteer firefighter would be exciting. 

The small town of Westville is very fortunate to have so many resources; both in volunteers with credentials and in equipment.

Fire chief Ryan-- his last name is Boots, like FireBoots! 

How nice for the kids to be able to check things out up close. 

The firehouse was a really fun experience for them.

After all the kiddies were blinded by the lights, they managed to find their way back inside for refreshments.

How FUN!

Coming home to my pets made me think, Where was the firehouse dog?. I'll have to ask about that next time.

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