Tuesday, December 2, 2014

More Thanksgiving 2014

Hello!  Let's play that, "Guess What It Is" game!  A muppet, nooo.  An alien life form, closer, but noo.  Give up?  It's a turkey head! 

A turkey head that did not want to stay attached.

So, here I am all ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with my side of the family, and I got a turkey that won't keep it's head on.  Eh, such is life.

I used cheese from the ball as glue.  Note to self: it doesn't make very good glue.

I'm munching away on a deviled egg, when all the sudden an idea strikes!

TaDa!  The feta stuffed olive, minus the feta, from the egg made a good turkey head.

 Thus, the turkey got to keep his head on this Thanksgiving. (At least until everyone devoured him.)  :)

Thanksgiving at Nancy's house was awesome! 

Little Robbie cooks THE BEST ham ever.

Supper Time!  

The real fun started after supper, with a game of Headbands.  Little Robbie could not guess bacon for nothing; it was hilarious.

Mom made her favorite Eclair dessert.  It ranks right up there with Pumpkin Rolls, as our families favorite desserts.

I had wonderful Thanksgiving and I feel extremely blessed.  The kids and I put up Christmas lights the following day.

 I put Gladys on my shoulders, so she could arrange the lights, but it didn't work out. 

They are, at the moment, half up....     :)

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