Friday, December 26, 2014

Zipping for Christmas

While I was in Kentucky at the Creation Museum, Gladys and Glenn tried out the zip line.

Glenn went first.  He is a daredevil.

Troy and I were standing on a balcony, observing and rooting for them.

The zip line course consisted of three lines.  Glenn made it without any help.

Gladys, on the other hand, didn't make the first leg.

She seemed to be cruising along okay.

All of the sudden, she just came to a complete stop-- BEFORE REACHING THE END!

No biggie though, she just had to be rescued, that's all.  

The worker man, went out and pulled her into the landing.

At least no one fell.  The water below contained a sea serpent!

After the zipping, we all checked out the gardens on our walk to the petting zoo.

I knew I shoulda brought a flyrod!

The garden did contain some interesting plants.

Which I no doubt would have got the line caught up in; amiright?  :)

A pretty Cardinal was busy bathing in the koi pond stream.

I could see me coming to my child's aid and rescuing her from being stuck on the zip line.

All I would have to do is accidentally hook her and reel her in toward the landing. Piece of CAKE!

The petting zoo brought back memories of a Polish rooster named Snowy Top.

And a little pygmy goat named Olivia.

The animals seemed happy to see us.

I could have brought em all home!

The Zonkey was especially delightful.

I could tell the Zonkey was very good natured.  The Zorse just wanted food.

They made a cute pair.

Smile, Ima takin your pic!  :)

The alpacas were not going to have anything to do with us.

The little Eeyore burrow was friendly though.

As were the camels.

The peacock put on a show for us and was shaking his booty so much that he made ME blush!

This peahen, paid him NO attention whatsoever.  I got the feeling he used that pick-up method on her before.

This critter is a Wallaby:

I want a few of these too.  SO stinkin adorable!

We took our time walking back to the museum and enjoyed the sights.

Back inside, a baby spotted gar was posing for a pic near the glass:

The displays were cool.  I like how some of them included live animals.

This turtle was just out of arms reach and he knew it!  :)

A person may think that this is a display of turtle food:

It was actually for HUMAN CONSUMPTION!  I passed on the insect snacks and went to McAlister's Deli for supper.

This was Gladdie's reaction when she was informed the mac and cheese was made from wax worms:

Yuck!  JK  :)

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