Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Glady's 11th Birthday!

Oh Yeah, Gladys is eleven now!

If you ask this girl what her age is, she will say a higher number than her actual age.

That number usually is somewhere between 19 and 101.  Seriously.

I've told her to savor being 11.

One of these days she might miss it.

Gladys had her friend, Gracie, over to help celebrate.

I think Gladys is eager to become a teenager because of all the privileges her older sister, Jean has earned.

The thing is, privileges come with responsibility.  So be a kid, while your a kid.

Besides, your good at it. 

If I were eleven today, I would sooo be into being a kid.

Kicking back on the trampoline, playing video games, watching cartoons, and hanging with friends at the beach would be something I'd do often.  Wait...a sec.. I do all that now too.  ;)

Okay, so 42 isn't bad, but trust me, be eleven.

Make eleven ROCK!

Cause ya know, your not going to ever get the chance to be eleven for real, once you turn twelve.

Get a job ya lazy Bum!  See, that phrase isn't valid on eleven year olds.  Just you wait though. 

All I have to do is blink, and then you'll be all grown up. 

Happy Eleventh Birthday Gladdie!

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