Thursday, January 25, 2018

Amish Acres

Nooo idea why my sister has that expression, but I can tell you it happens so often that it no longer phases me!  :-)

Maybe it was her roller coaster face, Who can say?.  Mom's been on this ride before, Can ya tell?.

Us girls, had ourselves a girl trip to Amish Acres in Nappanee, Indiana.  I found this adorable top:

I am sooo going to try to make one sometime.  Besides the shopping, the scenery was awesome:

The windmill is located outside of the Bluegate Restaurant.

The landscaping had me mesmerized!

Wow, was it hot out on this day too!

The flowers were just so BIG!

I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to visit Amish Acres several times.  After every visit, I have found myself to be inspired in some way; this time was no exception.

I had caught me the sewing bug!  I had cut out quilt squares, several years ago, and had plans to make something awesome.

The squares are from my Grandma Miller's (RIP) everyday clothes.  Her clothes brought back so many memories that I couldn't bear to part with them, so I didn't.  Instead, I felt that making a quilt from them would be the best way to honor her memory.

The quilt isn't finished yet, but I'm off to a good start!

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