Monday, January 29, 2018

Outside the Wheeler House


Here is my current project:

The house has been abandoned for a couple of years now.

Sadly, the owner of this property died, and none of his family wanted it.  Apparently, no one wanted the cars in the driveway either!

A lot of items were left behind.

The local mechanic has service records for the cars.  I don't plan to fix them up, but someone else might want to.

I found the wheels to this one beside the garage:

The garage had a foot of leaves mixed with tools and hardware covering the floor.

It's a shame no one took care of things here.

The garage is going to need a new roof this summer.

The house was a tax sale property that I won the bid for.  It looks as though it has the same steps as the Kingsford Heights porch had.

True Story: Troy was helping me, when he got a phone call.  He told the caller he was busy pulling down a house in Grovertown.   The next time the same caller called, he was using a sledge hammer to take out a porch. And the next time the caller called, he was watching videos on how to pick locks. What can I say, Troy keeps busy!.

The house seems to sit up high, which I like.

As expected, it needs quite a bit of work!

I like that it has a walk-in basement.

Ugg, a septic without a cap is like the symbol for these tax sale houses, lemme tell ya!

The house borders the old Wheeler High School, which is now a community center.

Isn't funny, how the grass is greener over there!

From the outside, it appeared that every room was filled up past the windows with stuff!

Looks like a new storm door and porch is needed here!

I came back a few days later, and someone from the community center had mowed the yard!  How Nice!

Pruners!  I'm going to need the pruners!  And maybe the chainsaw.

After I sold a bunch of firewood that was piled up against the house, I discovered that the basement didn't have any glass in this window!

I reckon, it will be plan B, for entering the house, if the lock picking doesn't go well.  :-)

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