Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Hi Ya'All!

Hopefully everyone is as happy as a dog with a bone treat!

Sophie is BUSY!

I'm almost done going through pics from this past year.  

Summer flew by.  I only made it to the drive-in once.  The 49er has been here, in Valparasio, ever since I can remember.  We went to see a Minion, and a Spider-Man, double feature.

During the dog days of summer, most of my time was spent working on the properties.

I did scrap and paint our patio furniture though.  Sorry, no pics of the before and after makeover yet.

Hello kittypillar!  Look at those feet!

Sophie and I went hiking often.

Troy went with to explore a new park east of us.

It had long trails of decking over several acres of wet land.

I found it rather interesting.

We got caught in the rain, but it was so warm out that we didn't mind.

In other news, Jamie, Jean's friend, had a baby boy.  I crocheted him this little puppy outfit:

Oh, my favorite day ever, rolled around--- the first day of school!!!  Don't these kids look happy!

That's better!

Jean turned 21-- can you believe it?  She also went purple haired!

Right before Jamie gave birth to her son, I fished with her and Curt at the harbor in Michigan City on Lake Michigan.

Curt seems to have a real knack for carp fishing!

Besides, fishing, painting, hiking, movies and fixing up houses.  I did a little gardening.

I did say "little".  :-)  I planted a few flowers in the yard, but not as much as I would have liked to.

Check out these guys:

Isn't nice to have a little bit of summer brought to you in the middle of winter? ;-)

I couldn't decide which angle I liked best!

My two little Sweethearts!

Guess who was a blue man for Halloween?

Yup, Troy!  Funny Story:  We go to Portage for a haunted hayride.  On the car ride there, Troy kept asking questions about the hayride-- like if it was for kids, and how scary I thought it would be.  Troy got so worked up about the hayride that he was too scared to actually go on it!

So, we walked around for a bit, until Troy seen a ghost in the window!

I have photographic proof that ghosts exists!!

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