Thursday, January 18, 2018

Grovertown Fire

Last November, late in the afternoon, I got a phone call from the Fire Chief.  He asked me if it was okay to do the burn on the demolished house.

I was happy the burn was finally going to happen.  Also, since it wasn't scheduled in advance, no one had the chance to cancel it!  :-)

Grovertown is a good 30 minutes or so from where I live.  By the time Mom, Troy, and I got there, the burn was well underway.  

Janet, my nephew's wife whose also a friend, stopped by.  It was nice to have a few people to sit with and watch the fire.

Nothing exploded, so that was good.  Although, there were plenty of cracks, pops and other sounds coming from the fire.

The firemen and women were awesome.  They had everything under control the entire time.

The neighbor's garage was not damaged at all, nor was his property flooded.

All went well.  I got my house burned down just like I wanted, and the fire department got some valuable training in, along with a nice donation!

I enjoyed this demolition project.  It's still a few steps from being complete, as now I have a basement to fill in, but it's getting there.

I don't know what my next one will be yet, but I am looking forward to it!

Here's a video created by my little guy, Troy:

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