Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Sadly, France passed away this past year.  In the pic below, he is just sleeping ever so peacefully.  

France was a good cat!  He died due to being euthanized by our local vet.  I could no longer let him suffer the ill effects of kidney issues and cancer.

HE was a good mother.  Over this past year, I took in three kittens in need of homes.  They found comfort in pretending to nurse from France.

This little cutie is Midnight!

Autumn is the name of this pretty girl!

Mustachio went home with Jean's newly married friend, Jamie!

Actually, all three kittens found homes.  I would have kept them all if I could have though.  

True Story: Troy, Sophie and I were traveling a busy road in the rain when all of the sudden a truck stops up ahead and a man gets out and placed, what I thought to be a teddy bear, along the side of the road.  Upon closer inspection, it became clear that it was no teddy bear, but A REAL LIVE DOGGIE!

The man in the truck sped away before I could get his plate info.  We went knocking on doors and asked everyone we approached about the dog.  No one had seen him before.  I posted his pic on social media and still no one new of him.  We named him Hamlet.  Partially, because he looks so much like our hamster only 100X bigger, and part because he snorts a lot like a piggy.  :-)

He enjoyed trips to the Dunes, digging in the sand, and he was crazy about Sophie!

Sophie, btw, does not enjoy the Dunes at all.  I think she was looking for my kayak.  The large intermittent waves seemed to make her very nervous.  Rightfully so, they can be dangerous!!!

Uncle Bobby met Hamlet and wanted him.  He has Snowball, our goat-cat too.

I am so thankful that Uncle Bobby took these pets in, because I still get to see them often.  Hamlet was renamed Teddy Bear and is living the good life!  

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