Monday, December 23, 2013

Eiteljorg Museum in Indy

Saturday-- it was one of those rainy weather days, so, the family and I went to the Eiteljorg Museum in Indianapolis. 

The main attraction, for us, was the Jolly Rails display.

Hands down, that was our favorite display there.  I loved the details, like the glowing campfire.

Troy and Gladys were equally awestruck, even though Gladys has her eyes shut.  She is being nine years old and protesting being a kid.

The entire huge room has a woodsy feel and smells delightfully of a forest.

They even had a live geyser.   How cool is that?

The trains chugged around on several different levels.  Even overhead was track with trains and hot air balloons.

 Each area represented a famous American landmark.

 Of course, since the display is in Indy, the city was very well represented too.

Mt. Rushmore had everyone ooooooh-ing!

Carved from wood, and enhanced with mushrooms, rocks and shrubs, it was quite a sight.

The basement of the Eiteljorg Museum has an Old West play area for the kids.

This was right up Troy's alley, as he is very much a cowboy.

The rest of the museum promoted the message of having an open mind.

 I found the American Flag rug both disturbing and thought provoking.  The .50 caliber blanks as claws makes a powerful representation. 

Another Piece I found interesting was the Art O Mat.  The artist made a point to show society how a culture of vending machines and instant gratification could be used to sell art.  

Mom got Troy a Fort Apache Lincoln Log set for Christmas, and between the Indian displays and the cabins at Jolly Rails, his mind was going into overtime with ideas to play out.

This photograph is pretty.  It was displayed in the section representing tribes from Indiana.

Is it just me or do you see a resemblance too?

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