Thursday, December 12, 2013

Kevin's Enchilada's

Burrr, it's cold out there!!

These past few days I've been cooking up things like crazy!  First, I decided to try my hand at making up my own recipe for Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, only healthier, and instead of cups, clumps.  They are made from reduced fat peanut butter, Rice Krispies, and a little bit of powdered sugar.  Also, I had plans to roll them in chocolate, but when I attempted that they fell apart.  I was able to save em, by squishing them into a buttered dish and pouring the melting chocolate on top.  If there is anything I've learned in all my years of cooking, is that you can pretty much make any dish taste good if ya pour enough chocolate, cheese or catchup on it.

 Next, I made a big ole pot of veggie soup.  Veggie soup is one thing that I consistently make well, yet every time it is slightly different depending on what ingredients I have on hand.  However contradicting as it may seem, I very much enjoyed drinking iced tea, with hot soup.

Sophie and her puppy Scooby Do keep curled up in my lap every chance they get.

You would not believe what I discovered while shoe shopping with Jean, after walking around in public mind you.  I was wearing two different boots.  How could such a thing happen?  Good question, I have yet to know the answer.

My guess is perhaps I swapped a boot with a similar one at the store.  After all, I'm engaged in conversation with my kids and eager to get some shopping done, a close match is hardly going to be on the top of my list of things to watch out for.  The sad thing is, I returned to the store and there were no other boots left in my size.  Which may mean someone out there, somewhere, is also walking around with a mismatched pair of boots too.

In other news, Troy got hit in the mouth during basketball practice at the Y.  Coach Doug walked him into the exercise room where I was working out to let me know of the injury.  Blood was about ready to spill from his mouth, and I reached in and yanked out Troy's loose tooth with my bare hands.  Then tucked his tooth away in a safe place, stuck a paper towel in his mouth to absorb the blood, gave Troy a hug and sent him back to practice. "Now that's a MOM," was the comment of the evening from the coach and few other weary witnesses. No biggie.  

Yes, another one Folk's!  We shall be billionaires in no time if this keeps up.

My next attempt at cooking healthy was making cranberry bread.  I found a new and simple recipe for yeast cranberry bread and I thought I'd give it a try.

After tucking the bread dough into a warm place so it could rise, I made the cranberry filling.  I used whole cranberries, grated orange rind, cinnamon, sugar and a little bit of water.

 This concoction totally smelled delicious as it cooked.

 I spread it onto the uncooked dough and intertwined the cut pieces thinking it would hold together as it baked.  It didn't.

Oh well, pretty enough, I topped it with a thin layer of icing and expected it to be the best bread ever.  It was awful.  I'm talking, spit it back out awful.  Now, I could have covered it with chocolate but I didn't have enough on hand to do the job.  Yeah, it was that bad.

Jean and Mom went to visit my sister Kim and her hubby Kevin in Wisconsin.  While they were there, Kevin made them enchiladas and he shared his recipe with me.  I tried it this evening and it turned out fantastic.

It's very simple, just brown ground beef with onion and stir some taco seasoning plus a couple cans of stuff.  Waala, the filling and sauce are completed.

 Next, using a slotted spoon, fill some flour tortilla shells, secure them with toothpicks, and place into a baking dish.

Pour the remaining sauce over the shells, top with a layer of cheese, and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. 

Here's what it looked like right from the hot oven:

I topped mine with even more cheese and a bit of sour cream.  It was super yummy.  Thanks Kevin.

My Gladdie caught the cooking bug lately as well and invented her own recipe. 


She made a batch of  Pudding Filled Chocolate Crinkle Cookies.

Basically, it's a brownie recipe that is formed into balls and rolled in powdered sugar

After they finished baking, she stuck her finger in the center of each cookie and filled them with Instant Chocolate Pudding.  They were awesome.

No, the blow dryer in the background isn't part of the cookie making.  Just keeping it real, Folk's.  :)  Sometimes, it's like a circus at my place, with one kid trying to blow dry a cat, whilst another is trying to make a necklace out of teeth for the tooth fairy and yet another, is trying her hand at kitchen experiments.  Yeah, that's how we roll.

Keep having fun, till next time!  

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