Hi! Look at the little white bunny I spotted today:
It was just sitting there not far from the road, minding it's own bunny business. So, of course I had to rescue it. I tried to bribe it with clovers, but as soon as I got close it would take off. That bunny thought it was great fun, I'm sure. Anyways, I enlisted the help of my buddy Don.
We chased that poor rabbit all over Pendleton. What a workout, let me tell ya! Never did actually rescue the poor bunny. :(
Speaking of bunnies, I used to raise Angora rabbits, until I developed severe allergies. However, the other day while attempting to clear the basement of so many boxes, I discovered I still had a few bushels of Angora fleece. Pictured below, is wet yarn wrapped on a plastic hanger to be dipped into dye (in this case, it's leftover all natural cranberry dye). Then the dyed yarn will be merged with white yarn and the final effect is a unique halo of white with pink tones.
Using an extra weighted drop spindle and a wet technique, I spun over 5000 yards of pure Angora; despite my allergies. I find working with the fleece underwater prevents most of the airborne irritants, thus making it tolerable for me. In addition, I also wear gloves. My friend, Tim, video tapped me using this wet technique to help explain the details and benefits. I may post more on that in the future.
Besides making yarn, I've been day dreaming about sprucing up the bedroom. I like this picture I found on the Internet (minus the skull though):

I don't know how much bedroom sprucing I'll actually get to do. In the pic below, I'm standing in the current bedroom. Note the light hanging in the corner that Glenn made when he was in 7th grade.
And, I got a new haircut; not much different than before:
Now that the weather is turning colder and getting dark sooner, I find myself spending more time inside tying flies. Uncle Si, from Duck Dynasty, has been keeping me company. My buddy Rodger told me I reminded him of Uncle Si when we were out fishing. I don't even remember why, other than I like me some ice tea too. Anyways, ever since than, I started watching the show and now I'm hooked. :)
Si ya Later!
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