Friday, December 20, 2013

Melting Away!

The winter weather was here in Pendleton, Indiana just a few short days ago.

If it's going to be cold it might as well snow.  Besides, I have a thing for snowmen.  :)

I built this handsome fellow here and played a joke on Troy:

I put a snake in his pocket.  (Yes, it's fake!)

My poor snowman had a life expectancy of only about 6 short hours.   The temp that day (yesterday), was in the 50's.

 The next day, (today), this is all that remained of him:

Sophie and I went for a walk at Fall's park. 

 The pond still had some ice on it.  The very mild temps made for a pleasant afternoon out.

I don't think I've shown ya'all my torture device yet.  It's a night splint, but how anybody can actually wear one of these and sleep well is beyond me.  I try to wear mine for a few hours in the evening as I'm relaxing.  It helps stretch both the Achilles and the Plantar Fascia. 

I've been trying to eat healthy, despite my major sweet tooth.  Lunch today wasn't all that exciting, but I feel the need to counter-post the sugar loaded treats I had featured.  Ordinary enough, turkey and pepper jack cheese on wheat bread with ranch to dip it and the tomato's in.  And yes, I drink my water from a Micky Mouse glass-- respect it.  :)

I made a Beef Stew for supper.  It consists of mushrooms, carrots, onions, garlic, celery and a few spices sauteed in olive oil, then stew meat tossed in and browned.  After I took the pic below, I made gravy by pouring in thawed beef broth I had on hand.  Melted butter mixed with flour helped to thicken the gravy.

Here's what supper looked like up close and over mashed potatoes:

After supper, the kids had plans to go into town and visit the candy store.  They each had a little money from the tooth fairy that has been burning holes in their pockets.


Instead of going to the candy store, we wound up visiting some of the other shops in town.  The kids weren't that interested in candy anyway.  What they really wanted was....duct tape.  Yes, duct tape was the big seller this evening.  Both kids proudly bought their very own roll.  Gladys is wearing her paint splashed kind like a bracelet.  Troy chose a zebra print roll.

Here is the flower eraser Troy made and tried to sell to me for a dollar.  Plus, he said someone was all ready selling flower pencils at school, but no one was selling flower erasers.  (Gotta admire the entrepreneur side of him.)

WARNING!! The following pictures are somewhat disturbing-- proceed with caution!

K, consider yourself warned.  As part of this ongoing advent gifting that Glenn and I are doing, I agreed to make him the supper of his request.  

He requested fried potato's which I've not made in ages:

And Butter Fried Ham:

I can soo not eat either of those.  How he finds them to be the best stuff I cook, I have no idea.  It's like supper with a side of grease.  Yuck.  Oh well, to each there own.

Speaking of which, Troy is into wearing Glenn's tube socks to basketball.  He likes them that way to hold his pants on.?.  I was concerned about the other kids making fun of my little Rudolf, but they didn't.  In fact, Troy may have even started a new fashion trend.

Now, for the last of the disturbing pics; Sophie made a new friend.  She caught this little fellow the other day and brought him inside.  No one noticed at first until the poor little guy ran under a cabinet. No one knew exactly where he was and I couldn't find him. All I knew, was that a shrew was loose in the house.  A short time later, Sophie found him again and fatally carried him outside.  I had to look up the difference between a shrew and a mole since, I wasn't sure which he was.  Moles have different hands.  Shrews are not considered a rodent and are venomous.  I thought those were interesting facts.
K, back to some normal happy pics.  Here we have my first little Christmas tree and Elfie: 
I'm a vintage type of gal ya know. Seriously, this little tree has been My Tree, since I was a itty bitty baby.  I'm not sure what year Elfie came into my life, but these are sentimental, as we have shared several Christmases together.  

Remember to stay on the "Nice" list!  Only 5 days left till CHRISTMAS!!!!!



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