Sunday, December 8, 2013

Getting Ripped!


Saturdays have turned into Basketball days around here.  Both Gladys and Troy are in PYBA through the local Y.  Also, Glenn plays on a prison team and his tournament was today too.  Glenn didn't do so hot and was taken out of the tourney right off the bat.

The kids, on the other hand, were on FIRE!!  Troy played excellent, so I'm told, I couldn't make his game since I went to Glady's and both kids had games about the same time at different schools.  Gladdiator played very aggressive and ruled the court.  It was a close game and the other team was very good.  The clock was winding down and the other team had the lead 8 to 6.  The Gladdiator tied the score with a seemingly effortless rebound shot, forcing the game into overtime.  Our team scored again and thinking we had it in the bag, just seconds before the buzzer, the other team scored resulting in a tie.  Excitement at it's finest, right there Folks!  

The other exciting news at our place is our elf, Crystal Snow, has returned to spy on the kids.  She has actually been with us since the beginning of advent. However, today Gladdie was a shutter bug and asked me to blog about her.  By the looks of things, I think Crystal may have a slight crush on Hermey.  :)

Gladys is a nut with the camera, as you can see.  I'm awaiting a surprise and she's snapping a pic-- surprise!

Sophie and I took off for the sledding hill.

Does she look nervous?

 Weeeeeeee, it's like bull riding, with one hand in the air.

Yes, Sophie willing stayed on my lap for the entire ride.

Sophie survived, but she probably isn't speaking to me for awhile.

I let the kiddies have a little fun too.  Gladdie says, I need my gloves!!!

Ok, ready for take off...

Troy landed on his head.

Troy tells me he don't need no hat.  That boy would be out there sledding in his shorts and bare feet if I'd let him.  With a t-shirt full of snow and lashes iced over, that Abominable tells me he's too warm.  Seriously.?.

Yesterday, I played basketball with the kids at the Reformatory gym close to our house.


It's nice, cause in the evenings after the offenders are put away, things are quiet and we have the place to ourselves.


My favorite thing to do at the gym is play ping pong. 


Although it's fun, it's not doing much for my lats.  So, I attempted to do a few chin-ups.  I got one nice, above the the bar, chin-up, but could not manage a second.  My new goal is to be able to do four consecutively by mid-March. 

 I shall keep you posted on my progress.  One thing that will help too, is if I slim down and lose a few, (ok 20+), pounds.

Getting ripped is my new thing; I'm excited about it!  My running still leaves a lot to be desired, but when the time is right I plan to hop back on that horse too, sort of speak.  In the meantime, I'm doing lots of stretching and strength exercises.  Yeaaah, let's get ripped!


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