Friday, December 13, 2013

Slackers Guide to Gift Giving

My husband, Glenn, and I are doing an advent gift exchange with one another this year.  I've never been all that great at gift giving and now instead of just one gift, I've had to come up with 25-- lovely.  Well, here's how the gift giving has been going from me thus far:

Day 1-- Shoot, it's this first of December all ready; wasn't Thanksgiving only yesterday.

Day 2-- Found him a nice pair of touch-screen techie gloves. 

Day 3-- Noticed in the basement, a black stocking cap that matched his new gloves, and wrapped it up for him.  (Thinking this might not be so bad if I stick to winter apparel.)

Day 4-- Bought him navy blue long underwear. I neglected to see the fine lace trim and realized they were for ladies, after he put them on. 

Day 5-- Forgot to gift him.  Told the kids it was cause he was naughty.

Day 6-- Socks!  A girl cannot really go wrong with socks.  Got him the warmest pairs I could find that didn't involve batteries.

Day 7-- Oh crap, I've done ran out of winter apparel to gift him.  Told him I'd make up for it with Day 7's gift. Told the kids he was naughty again.

Day 8-- Wrapped up a few groceries, beef jerky, and canned hot dogs.  Those are winners.

Day 9-- Wrapped up more hot dogs; this time the Oscar Myer kind. 

Day 10-- Forgot to gift him again; the kids knew why.

Day 11-- Got creative and made him a bacon scented candle out of bacon grease.  (something I've seen in a survival guide online.)  

Day 12-- Tied a bow around the fire extinguisher.  I actually dusted off the fire extinguisher and got it refilled in order to prevent a grease fire from getting out of hand by his new candle. 

Now here it is Day 13 and I am completely tapped out.  Trying to remember that 12 Days of Christmas song because I'm desperate for ideas.  All I can think of is a Partridge in a Pear tree, and sadly, he does not like birds nor fruit.

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