Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School Fair

Pendleton (adorable Indiana town) had there annual Back to school Fair over this past weekend. 
They raise funds to aid children in need of school supplies.

The kids got to go on another firetruck ride! 

They picked out treats from the bake sale.  Dontcha just love a good monster or milkshake cupcake?

 Troy successfully conquered the giant slide.

Here's a new thing:  they tie up the kids (gotta love how this starts) and make them run to see who can put the Velcro thingy the farthest.  When they come to the end of the bungee cord it snaps them back to the wall!

                                          Gladys and Jean getting Fair-Do's.

                                          And getting ready to compete.

                                         The guy in the green shirt won!

                                          A close-up of Jean's Fair-Do.  Blue slushy--yumm.

                                         Troy eager to climb the wall.

                                          Realizing he is way over my head.

                                          Gladys being Spider Girl.

                                          Kids love to dunk people!

                                         Troy wanted to bring this little one home!


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