Monday, August 6, 2012

Today was Awesome!

I had a fun day with the kids at Fort Harrison State Park.  We started off on the three mile trail and ended with fishing.  What a great time!  I got a really good workout in.  My breakfast seemed to hold off hunger fairly well.

 The cocoa almonds I had in my purse came in handy since we didn't eat lunch until 2:30.  I had the bacon ranch salad from McD's + a tomato from the garden.  I just love maters on salad. 

The afternoon was good too. School shopping for the kids is fun for me. Yay-- the first day of school is in 6 more days! Troy seems to be growing up very fast all of the sudden. He will be going into first grade, he lost his first tooth, and Glenn took the training wheels off his bike yesterday. He found two shinny quarters under his pillow from the Tooth Fairy this morning! His no training wheels bike riding is going great, he rode around the tear drop with Jean yesterday.

For supper Glenn made perogies and smoked sausage.  I had a few perogies, some cottage cheese and another mater from the garden.  The scale should really like me tomorrow!

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