Friday, August 10, 2012

Beauty/Fever Bath

Sheesh, I wanted to lose weight but not like this.  I've been sick with the stomach flu.  The kind that vomiting is the only form of comfort, and then it's not over with, just not quite as bad.  Last night was the vomiting stage and today is just the general feeling icky stage.  To try to ease my ache and pains I took the Beauty/Fever Bath:

Run a hot bath.

Add 1 quart bottle hydrogen peroxide 3% and .8 ounces ground ginger. 

Soak for as long as desired.

It worked out well.  The hot water opens the pores and the mixture seems to draw all the illness right out.  Afterward I briefly rinsed off and my body stayed very warm for hours.  The next time I have that feeling were I can't seem to get rid of the chills, I will have to take this bath.  Plus, the peroxide helped seemed to make my finger and toe nails a nice brilliant white.

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