Saturday, August 18, 2012

Farm Party

Yesterday evening my family and I were invited to a party at the Stevenson's Farm.  Having never been there before, I didn't know what to expect, but after several miles of traveling down a gravel road, I had a feeling that it was gonna be some party. 

When we arrived they met us in the driveway where we left our truck.  Then we hopped in a small Kabota tractor and they drove us out back to the barn/party area.  Troy got to ride in the loader, which he thought was the best thing ever-- that is until he spotted the giant blow-up combine!  The kids played in it till it was time for supper.
The supper was amazing!  It's a miracle I stuck to all fruits and veggies.  This cake, yeah that's right folks, this is a picture of the cake they served.  And noooo, I did not count it as a serving of veggies; although it did cross my mind.
Pretty awesome cake, ahy?
Troy is very much into tractors.  He asked me to take his pic on each one and I did. 

Do you like where he put his sticker?  Kids!
I will spare you the other 20 pics of him on a tractor.
Except for this one.  Here he is working on this one.  How adorable, I know!
Lucky us-- going for a ride!
Glady's decided to join Troy for a trip in the RoGator!
I know it's hard to tell from my pic that the tractors are so tall, but she enjoyed the view from way up high.
The kids had a ball feeding the cows.  Here is Angel, I'm told she holds the title as Indiana State Champion.
We all had a wonderful time on the farm.  This is what Gladys and Troy had for dessert. The cuppy cakes were full of bugs and they ate them anyway!  :)

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