Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 2

Yay me, Day 2 of the 5k training is now completed!  Again the ankle pain started to kick in after the second running segment.  However, this time, the pain is almost completely gone since I've cooled down.  I keep wanting to run for more than a minute, (that's right about the time when I find I have my zone good and established) but the interval training is supposed to be really good for me right now.  I was told to think of a car starting and stopping, or in my case in town driving with a stretch of interstate thrown in every 4 minutes, and how it burns more fuel than continuous open road driving.

The day was bright and sunny all day!  I'm told this weekend their is going to be some fierce rain here in central Indiana. Troy took advantage of today's nice weather; riding his bike.   

 I took a leisurely stroll with Gladys and Troy this afternoon.  This crocheted water bottle/cell phone holder I made came in handy.  I got the idea from my neighbor Charlene.  She found a similar one at a flea market.  It's perfect for when your little ones still enjoy holding your hands for walks, like today.   :)

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